
I Live My Life More Authentically



I always listen to my heart. Consequently, I make choices that are in tune with my true values and beliefs.

Connecting with my genuine self-reduces my stress levels. My tensions dissolve. I feel at ease everywhere I go and I enjoy all my activities more.

Being true to myself makes my relationships more rewarding. I articulate what I feel and let others get to know me. I encourage them to seek the same freedom. We all benefit from greater understanding and intimacy.

Most of all, I rejoice in leading a more fulfilling life because I know that I am honouring my wishes and dreams.

I listen for my internal motivation rather than responding mechanically to external expectations. I approach each task with great care and look for the meaning behind it. I see how my actions can serve others.

I identify my strengths. I refine my skills and use them to make the world a better place.

I accept my vulnerabilities. They are part of my true self. When I make a mistake, I regard myself with compassion. I remind myself that vulnerability accompanies love and trust.

Everything is an opportunity to grow and learn. I discover new aspects of myself. I take risks that allow me to become more competent and resilient.

Today, I am determined to live up to my potential. I believe in myself. I love who I am and what I can become.

Reflect on below to live more authentic life:

1. What does the image of my authentic self-look like?

2. How does listening to my heart make my activities more meaningful?

3. How can I apply my strengths to my personal and professional life?

Action Tip:  Start applying your strengths to personal and professional life to live the life more authentically.


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